Rent Box

  • The Rent Box

    Each House and Apartment has a rent box where you pay your rent. The box change color with its status. Green if the house is available, black when rented, red when rent is overdue and yellow when prims are over limit. 

    rentbox availrentbox rented

    The box has other functions:rentbox menu

    1. Provides an up to date prim count.
    2. You can add, or remove a partner and friends from the rent agreement.
    3. Allows yours friends to pay your rent. Cool eh?
    4. Signal that you wont renew rent at end of lease.
    5. Reminds you when your rent is due via an IM.
    6. Has hovertext with rent details of rnet and prims when available and name and time remaining when rented. The hovertext can be changed or turned off on request.

    Touch or left-click the box to get a menu shown to the right.

    Note: In most houses the rent box moves out of sight when rented so it wont obstruct your view. Contact us if you can't find it or want it moved. The box will move to its original position when rent is overdue.

  • Upgraded and Easier to Use Vendor System

    This last weekend we replaced the inworld vendors with Casper's extended vendor system specifically designed for home rentals. They are easier and more intuitive to use than the older product oriented vendors. Visually they are almost identical. Obvious features are red accented buttons rather than blue, and FEWER buttons. 

On Sale Today

Listing of ALL homes on Sale or are discounted today

Current Discounts & Refunds

Rent 4 weeks and get 4 days added, 5 weeks get 5 days added and so forth up to 12 days maximum.

We also have regular specials and sales. Please check our main sales office for the current offerings. All refunds are paid through the rent box. Subscribe to our email blast and get notices of new homes and sales. 

As of 08/2023

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