Yes and  no. Many of our homes are furnished. Furnished homes and skyboxes are available in two categories:

    1. Custom furnished. We have custom furnished with teh latest Bento adult furniture and decorations. We do not remove items from the home due to the overhead of decorating. We do however often have teh same design home unfurnished. Please contact us if you would prefer an unfurnished home. 
    2. Rezzed furnished. The home is rezzed with compatible furnishings. We can remove selected furniture upon requets. Send a manager an NC with a list of items to be removed. 

Decoration is very personal and we can remove items so you can use your own from a "rezzed furnished" home. Beds and sofas are typical.  Furnished apartments in apartment blocks and some lower cost sky boxes are furnished as is with no substitutions. We have unfurnished versions of the same apartment style. Often we can even rezz a new unfurnished version for you if needed. 


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As of 08/2023

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