All SeaCliff land parcels have SL privacy set and therefore no-one from outside can look into your house. All homes with the exception of our Virtual Apartment Blocks sit on their own land parcel. Most homes have privacy windows and locking doors. If you are an SL oldtimer you know that they arent a guarantee of privacy. The combination of a properly configured security orb and land privacy should be sufficent. Note we  trake a very strict view of harassment and abuse. If you are are being harassed, stalked or whatever contact us and we can ban or remove your bete noir. Your security orb can instantly ban an unwanted person from yoru parcel, a Seacliff manager can ban an indiviual from a Sealciff sim. 

On Sale Today

Listing of ALL homes on Sale or are discounted today

Current Discounts & Refunds

Rent 4 weeks and get 4 days added, 5 weeks get 5 days added and so forth up to 12 days maximum.

We also have regular specials and sales. Please check our main sales office for the current offerings. All refunds are paid through the rent box. Subscribe to our email blast and get notices of new homes and sales. 

As of 08/2023

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