Tenant and Prospective Tenant Information

Why rent a home in secondlife at all and more specifically why rent one from Seacliff?

  1. Every one in secondlife needs a place to park their AVI, dress, change apperance at the very least, and have a private place to entertain and hangout with friends.
  2. Why SeaCliff?
    • SeaCliff has been in operation Since early 2007and have never let a tenant down. 
    • We are competively priced from 100L pw for a high rise apartment up to ~$2000L pw for a luxury furnished beach home. 
    • You dont need a premium account to live in a Seacliff Home.
    • We have apartments, beach homes, private domes, street themed  brownstones for community living and more. 

Contact us for a guided tour. 

On Sale Today

Listing of ALL homes on Sale or are discounted today

Current Discounts & Refunds

Rent 4 weeks and get 4 days added, 5 weeks get 5 days added and so forth up to 12 days maximum.

We also have regular specials and sales. Please check our main sales office for the current offerings. All refunds are paid through the rent box. Subscribe to our email blast and get notices of new homes and sales. 

As of 08/2023

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